
Friday Things: Birthdays & Bremerton


1. Ugh, great.. it's tourist season. Please don't get me wrong, I LOVE the weather. Bring on the sunshine and rain-less days, Seattle. I do love this weather so. But for the love of Chocolate Cherry Fruit and Nut Balls, someone PLEASE get the hoards of people taking pictures of my beautiful city OUT. Tuesday marked the one year mark of me moving to Seattle (it feels like just yesterday), and I remember thinking the city was ALWAYS this packed. (spoiler) It's not. I miss being able to walk around the city without feeling like every person is going to invade my candy-coated bubble of personal space. Oh, and being able to walk faster than a crawling six-month-old baby would be awesome too.

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2. But… the weather is pretty awesome, as long as you ignore the fact that you sweat every time you wear jeans in the afternoon and you now have to remember what personal hygiene is. What I'm trying to say is that: the weather would be absolutely perfect if it were still socially acceptable to shave my legs once a month week.

3. On a different note my mom came to visit me last week for my birthday! We had an awesome time and I'm very, very thankful she came. It was kind of weird because it felt normal having her here, and I was really glad she got to meet some of my friends. We went to the melting pot for my birthday dinner on Thursday and Friday morning she made me homefries… YUM. The Melting Pot.jpg Homefries.jpg

There's nothing like having your mom come and spend some time in the kitchen cook and clean for you AND reorganize your kitchen. My momma.jpgOn Sunday we took a trip to Bremerton with Laura and had an amazing time… you can't tell from the pictures or anything ;) On Sunday we took a trip to Bremerton with Laura and had an amazing time… you can't tell from the pictures or anything ;) Bremerton.jpg 20130607-115133.jpg 20130607-115147.jpg

Great memories (stolen balloons & perfect cop high-fives), great friends, and GREAT weather… and maybe a few too many of these.


She had to leave on my birthday, Monday, but I had a wonderful dinner at Deb's (all my favorites: garlic bread, chicken drumsticks, broccoli, mojitos, & martinis)! Can't help but feel blessed and loved after those 5 days. Thank you everyone :)

4. I'm kind of obsessed with chobani. I know it's weird. I just keep wanting to try new flavors and types. I thought I HATED greek yogurt, turns out I was wrong. I could marry the key lime flip… and maybe have an affair with the passion fruit on the side.

5. Bring me back to this.

6. I feel like EVERYONE around me is getting engaged. It's honestly kind of freaking me out. Am I at that stage in my life? My boyfriend and I have been together for five years now, with a full one of those years being long distance. That's pretty intense, right? I joke with him about how I want a ring and blah blah blah, but honestly… I'm not in a rush. I'd love to settle down and have a family but I just don't think I could do it right now. I feel like we both have so much we want to accomplish before that happens. I'd like to get engaged within the next two years and have a LONGGGGG (I'm talking like two or three years) engagement. Is that weird? Ze boyfriend is going to be over the moon when he reads this and has proof forever that I said it. (Nothing ever goes away once it's on the internet) I guess we'll see if he really follows along ;)

7. I've turned into a voyeur… not that I wasn't really before. But I'm kind of obsessed with these people right now: Caitlyn, Jenn, the ever lovely Jessica, and Courtney.

8. I feel like I need to make more of an effort to be healthy. It's something I've been thinking about a lot lately and it bothers me that I have so much difficulty getting control over what I allow myself to eat. I'm working on it. It's a work in progress, just like eating when I'm actually hungry… what does that even mean? I'm 100% guilty of being a bored snacker.

9. I went to yet another mariners game with Laura. I'm super happy because we have SO many concerts/games booked for this summer. #summertoforget (get it? because we'll be drinking? and we'll forget… stop judging me.)

 10. I freaking love Jennifer Lawrence. Can the next hunger games just come out already? Can I just date her? I already asked that and was denied? Says who? FINE. Can I just be her? I don't think this obsession will ever end. And now, I'm in the mood to watch The Hunger Games… THANKS PINTEREST.

11. I'm also trying to be more active in the blogging world by commenting more. I want friends so comment and say hi, I swear I don't bite. Want me to start? HIIIIiIiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIII. See it's not that bad.